Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Healthy Energy

Our final assignment in my Brand Identity class was to do a logo and packaging for an all-natural energy drink. We had to choose the name, write a positioning statement (how the brand wants to be perceived), create a mark of identity and design 3 bottles of the product. Turns out the application is really a pain in the butt. It really opened my eyes to how much goes into all of this. I was surprised to see just how much baggage there is with the shape of a bottle. Anywho, this was my mark of identity. I liked the irony of it being called "Verde" but having a multicolored logo. Overall it has been a great class that I've learned a lot from but I'm very glad it's over.


Heather said...

Me gusta verde (I don't really know espanol), but I like your logo.

Ashley Thalman said...

is this the matt and whit?