Those jerks at
Gestalten did it again. Don't they realize that I don't make enough money to buy all their books? They just keep churning out book after book only to very quickly be added to my already expansive Amazon Wish List. The latest two to make it to the top of my wish list are
Impressive and
Beyond the Street. Impressive's subheading reads: "Printmaking, Letterpress and Graphic Design." Wait, Printmaking and Graphic Design? Aren't those the two things I emphasized in getting my bfa? Now if it only covered Arrested Development, curly hair, sporadic video game playing and my wife I could get all my passions between two covers.
Beyond the Street promises to be an exciting volume to add to your library. It contains interviews with "the 100 leading figures in Urban Art," including my favorite, Herakut. The one big surprise I had was that Banksy is
not included in the list of leading figures. Beyond that I can see little disappointment with this book. It's 400 pages, so it'll be heavy, and with Gestalten's reputation for putting out very well crafted books I can see I'm going to have to do some quick calculations to figure out when I'll be able to get this one off the wish list and on to my shelf.